
Descrizione Prodotto:
Sky Glass sliding roof is made of panels that slide on load-bearing self-lubricating runners. The panels enable the roof to be opened to 2/3 and/or 3/4 of the total surface, brilliantly solving all ventilation problems in bars and restaurants. When closed, Sky Glass will provide you with an area completely sealed from atmospheric agents. With the panels, it is possible to install a canopy that will protect you from the sun, the main cause of overheating on all other verandas.
Sky Glass Sliding Roof is always made-to-measure and comprises aluminium modular sections, with aluminium profiles extruded in compliance with the Italian Industrial Standard, and exclusively designed by STAMEAT.
The sliding beam consists of a profile with a 150x120 cross-section, capable of housing up to 4 sliding panels. The panels can house filler insertions up to 22 mm thick: double-glazing sheets, honeycomb polycarbonate sheets, sandwich panels, etc.
Electrical operation takes place using tubular motors and it is possible to move up to 5 sections (up to a total of 20 panels).
The opening movement can be manually/electrically and/or remote controlled.
Careful attention is given to selecting the materials used for fitting inside sliding panels, which are required to screen and protect the interior, providing all round protection. A variety of materials can be used (polycarbonate sheets, double-glazing or laminated glass, aluminium), to meet various requirements using an appropriate structure.
Versatile Sky Glass technology enables large skylights to be made

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